Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nightmare Life of an Ex-Child Star Photoshoot

So... here's the hard thing about being a poor girl from a backwater with no actual connections.

Things exist that you never see.  Then, there are things that have existed for awhile that you could have seen, but for some reason, you didn't.  It is exactly this kind of thing that happened to me yesterday.

I have deleted my former post about the "new" photo I found of Bobby on Facebook, because I'm going to repost it here, but having found said photo... I started wondering, "What other pictures have I not seen?"  I try to semi-regularly do an image sweep for Bobby pictures, knowing that every so often, one or two pops up that I haven't seen before.

WELL.  This time, boy did it ever.  I went into Google, typed his name, and ran across not one... not two...  but FIVE PHOTOS I had never seen before from that gorgeous photoshoot I mentioned in the subject line. 

And of all places, they were on iMDB.  I mean, really?  Someplace easily accessible to the pubic, on the most basic of Hollywood information sites.  How long had they been there?  I honestly have no idea.  They were credited back to Photo12, which is basically partners with the Alamy photo site, but I combed Alamy for new Bobby pictures not so long ago and did not find these.

So... I don't know who put them up, how long they've been there, or where they came from, but I bring them to you now.  Even though some of you may have actually seen them before me, pretend you haven't and humor me here.

Oh my gosh, this one's my fave.  Bobby looks both serious here, yet pleasant.  The first things that caught me about each of these, by the way, are the expressions in his eyes.  I know I've said something like this before, but this photoshoot speaks to me so much because it's as though Bobby is, with those eyes, trying to reach beyond the camera and ask to be truly seen -- as an adult, a professional, a good guy.  Not the troubled "junkie" he had become known as.  What crunches my heart most of all, though, is the realization that he was actually a hot mess the entire time.

In the interview, which you can find over on bobbydriscoll.net, he seems to coyly accept that there's been trouble, yet gives other reasons for it, never actually confirming that he has a drug problem.  Most of the blame he and Suzanne put back on him hanging around the wrong people.  Oh the irony, when we all know from later accounts that he and Suzanne were using substances together, and may have been going directly home after this interview to get a fix.  It would only be just a little while later that he would admit to the press that he was a narcotics addict going into treatment at Chino.  So we can safely assume he was working hard to keep a very big secret on this day, all the while trying to look capable and well put-together. 

This one seems to have been taken just a shutter later (or before), this time with wider eyes and a little more of a smile.  Everything about Bobby's face says "soft" to me.  I wonder if this was something that bothered him?  Did he want to appear more rugged than he did?  This may have been the reason he often let his brow line become a little unruly, as he had in this photoshoot, yet still had neatly trimmed and polished nails (you can see from some of the photos that have already been released from this set).  Maybe he didn't want to overdo it.  Of course again, this is all just conjecture...

Definitely my second favorite.  Such a sweet, quirky expression...

We get more of a direct look here, with a more unreadable expression.  But such crystal clear eyes.

So this one is very clearly a candid shot, and he was in the middle of talking.  I have this yen that even though Bobby knew how to have good eye contact, he may have also let his eyes wander when he got really deep into a conversation.  Two of the other pictures from this set that most of us have seen before -- the one where he's sitting there looking up, and the other where he's glancing off to the side -- have made this seem possible.  However, he could just as likely have been looking at other people in both those instances.  We know Suzanne was with him at this interview.

Enjoy these!  And comment!  Which do you feel best conveys Bobby's personality?


  1. I love this site so much!
    It’s a shame the website you keep referencing no longer exists they must of had loads of stuff

    1. Hi Kaitlyn, I'm so glad you enjoy the blog! This thing is my passion.

      I actually just told the owner of the site that it hasn't been working, and they thankfully should have it fixed now. Let me know if it still isn't and I'll pass the word along to her again!

    2. Just tried and nope still not working. The names of the letters are all in blue & I click on them & nothing happens, same with the magazines and newspapers & poetry ... not sure why ... think it’s cos I’m on my iPad?
      Don’t suppose you have pictures of the letters from there do you?

      Btw you can email me at Kaitlyn.rivers16@gmail.com :)


Please always be kind and respectful to each other :)

One more thing...

 I had a serious moment today when I came across a piece of art. This person rendered something that was complex, beautiful and heartbreakin...