Sunday, January 5, 2020

A much needed well-check

I made those of us who like cutesy stuff a Valentine's Day background throwing together some of my favorite screenshots.

Yup, I know. How very fifth grade of me, but I felt I should do something, anything, to let y'all know I'm still here and assure you I'm working on some good posts! Valentine's Day is actually my favorite holiday, and there's nothing like anticipating a holiday to take the opportunity to use the heck out of the $55 per year PicsArt subscription I accidentally purchased last March...

I mean, what?

Until it cancels itself out, I'm getting my darn money's worth. The lesson here is, pay attention to when your free trials end!

Also, a good many young girls and women follow me, so here's to them 💗

My next post is going to tell us a little more about Suzanne Stansbury, Bobby's paramour from the early 60's whom he intended to marry at one point, but never actually did. I did some digging and am eager to share a few things I learned about her past and her fate.

It WILL transpire this month sometime.  Thank you for your patience. I've had alot going on. You know, all the things.

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One more thing...

 I had a serious moment today when I came across a piece of art. This person rendered something that was complex, beautiful and heartbreakin...