Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sad update...

Hi guys.  Good thing I managed to deliver a new pic yesterday, because now I regret to say that I have found no way of saving these TV shows of Bobby's that I was sent.  My brother, the computer expert, even has said they're encoded and there is no way to do it.  So the best I can offer is to describe them and elaborate on them so you guys have a small glimpse into what I'm seeing!

There are also screencaps I could take.

Again, I'm so sorry for promising something I couldn't deliver after all.  :(  Just FYI, the shows were:  "Big Jim" from the Loretta Young show (and which is accessible on TheArchive), "Laughter is a Boy" from Medic (available on youtube), "A Matter of Life and Death" from TV Reader's Digest, "Navy Corpsman" from Navy Log (my favorite), "Fear" from Crusaider, "Death Watch" from Zane Grey Theatre and "Pete Loves Mary" from M Squad (both were previously available on

I'll do screencaps and lots of feelsy descriptions, as I do with everything Bobby.

Stay tuned!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Interrupting regularly scheduled programming for...

..... A new picture!  And not just another of my edits.

I found this in Frances Farmer's biography online tonight!  It's our sweetest, dapper Bobby in The Party Crashers.

I think this was the scene where his character was trying to BS where he was going to his mother after she loaned him her car.

Good stuff!

I tell you what, this hunt for Bobby information and pictures is like a great big fossil dig.  You never know what you might find and when.

Next week I'll be back with the promised TV episodes!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bobby Art #3 and a Promise

Here's another photo edit I did the other week.

I used a filter called Badlands that I felt was appropriate both in form -- and in name.  This was the last picture of Bobby taken in the Winter of either late '67 or early '68, as I embellished it a bit in the corner.

I've talked about this before, but I wonder who took this?  Someone said it was Wallace Berman, but does anyone have the original copy and any notes indicating exactly where/when it was and if the photographer truly was Berman?  It beats all I've ever seen how Bobby could be an ill, homeless man as we've heard him to be at this time, yet still look so clean-shaven and well-dressed.

Those New York years, they get me wondering every time. 

Anyway!  I have a handful of TV shows to share with you all just as soon as I get back from the beach!  A sweet friend mailed them to me, and I'm excited to show them off and do my commentating.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Bobby Art #2

Okay, so I am BAD at delayed gratification. 

My general rule is to post about once a week, though in the past I have lapsed to maybe every two weeks.  There's not a lot of new Bobby out there to elaborate on usually.... alas, the Struggles of the Obscure Star Blog Writer. 

So when I do get either new information or inspiration for something to commentate on, I say I'm going to hold out at least a week past my last post.  But sometimes I totally can't help jumping the gun....

PicsArt is so much fun, and I highly recommend it.  Finding a new "toy" is so toxic to my addictive personality, I swear... but at least I wasn't at work when I actually put these together.  Since the program's on my phone, I've been able to do them almost anywhere else, though.

My discovered love and appreciation for Bobby has truly caused my creativity to peak.  He has inspired so many of my artistic endeavors over the last year and a half -- between painting, writing stories, doing these edits, creating the musical timeline, and painting the stones I'm going to take to New York to set out in October, my artistic temperament has found a muse upon which to thrive. 

Art endures forever.  Knowing how much he loved art, music and poetry himself, I truly feel Bobby would be so happy to see how his life has inspired it in other people who lived long after he was gone from here.  Here are some great examples:

  • Come Back to the Five and Dime, Bobby Dee -- An album by Benjy Ferree based on Bobby's life
  • Shooting Star: The Bobby Driscoll Story -- A biographical Broadway play that ran a few years in the 00's
  • Daughters Aaren and Kathy's poetry about their dad (which would be the thing to make him MOST proud, I'm sure!)
  • Numerous fan sketches on DevianTart
  • Two gorgeous watercolor pics of Bobby as a child that I can't find the information about at the moment....

And these are only the things we know about that have popped into being since we had the internet to share them.  There are so many reasons I wish I could tell Bobby he didn't live in vain, if only I had twenty minutes.  The art his memory generated is one of them.

But I think he already knows.

Anyway, I digress!  Here is the Peter Pan edit I did.

This is the only one I'll post at the BOTTOM of my spiel.  Doesn't that drive you crazy? ;D  Like when you find amazing recipes on blogs, but you have to scroll down through the blogger's whole life story and fourteen pictures of whisks and eggs just to get to the ingredients and directions.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Bobby's Collage

This week, I'd like to draw your attention to this:

This was, as many of us know, one of Bobby's collages in which he SUPPOSEDLY pasted his face onto this other person's.  Or at least, people say that.

However, even though we know the work of art was Bobby's, I can't seem to find anywhere where he actually stated that this was his face.  I wonder if we all just assume it was his, and not someone else's -- a friend's, a picture out of a magazine, etc., because, is it just me or does anyone else not think it does looks a thing like him?

The first reason I tend to be skeptical is because the nose seems different -- the tip looking to go downward more than ending in the upward "ski slope" we know Bobby's did.  I also think the lips look a bit thinner than his.

And another thing:  I love sideburns on a man so I've always paid attention, and never, in any of the pictures I've seen of Bobby, did he have sideburns that long, even when long sideburns were in style.

The eyebrows seem different too....

This just honestly looks to me like a different person whose face Bobby borrowed for his collage.  However, this is my personal assessment, which could be flawed.  There is some "distressing" of the face in this work, which could be distorting it in my eyes and making it seem like someone else.  Maybe the expression is just an odd one I'd never seen him make before, so it seems foreign.  As for the sideburns, I'm sure I've not seen EVERY SINGLE hairstyle Bobby ever had, so who's to say he didn't try out sideburns for awhile?

So I'd like to hear from you!  What do you think?  Is this person Bobby, or isn't it?

Monday, July 3, 2017

Little Bobby

This is precious. Just wanted to share it... I found it on eBay so it isn't really mine. I know that's kind of cheating...

But isn't it sweet? Bobby and his well coiffed hair, even at such a young age, wearing his spiffed up saddle oxfords.

I always hope Bobby had some peace and happiness as a child. I realize his early stardom took a serious toll on him in the long run. But I hope there were moments when he could just inhale simplicity and joy, even if just for a little while.

One more thing...

 I had a serious moment today when I came across a piece of art. This person rendered something that was complex, beautiful and heartbreakin...