Friday, March 29, 2019

The Final New York Years Playlist

So, once again, we are approaching the blue day that March 30th is for those of us who love Bobby.  I have something to share as a tribute to him, but as usual, I want to talk a bit first.

I was actually speaking to someone with alot of knowledge about some things a couple of weeks ago, and as much as I have argued for Bobby having likely been found very soon after his death on that cot in NYC, this person presented a good case for it to have perhaps been longer.  It was cold in New York in March of 1968.  Might he have lain for days?  Weeks?  And actually, despite the fact that I wanted to debunk everything he said, I realized...

... I can't.  I have no hard evidence for him having been found quickly.  Nobody really knows.

At least, not yet.  It could be possible that the documentary might reveal more, if Jordan Allender happened to gain access to the actual autopsy report and TOD was approximated.  But unless that happens, Bobby's thirty-first March will remain a mystery.

By the way, am I the only person who wonders whatever happened to those kids who found him?  Did they sustain any trauma from having come across a dead body as children?  Did they block it from their memories?  Better yet, did they ever, as adults, wander around online and come to learn who they'd actually discovered?  If so, what was that like?

Andy Warhol and his entourage left for New Tucson to go make another of his movies in January of 1968, leaving Bobby behind.  Not that Bobby was ever entirely "in" with Warhol in the way alot of others were.  But also, if his health was suffering, that may have been even more of a reason for him to stay behind.  It breaks my heart, though, to realize that the people he may have been "closest" to then were out of town when he most needed them.  It's also been said by an unnamed source who did some research on Bobby at one point that he'd helped an older lady in the neighborhood by carrying her groceries that winter, and the last time she saw him was in mid- to late-March.  Was it pride that kept him from telling her he was sick and might be in trouble?  Did he really even know for sure that he was, though?

I think I go through this thing every year of asking the same questions, throwing them around and around my head.  I never really get anywhere, and I guess none of the answers would even matter.  The fact is, Bobby was definitely gone by March 30 -- a young man zapped of his strength.  As I reached my mid-30's, I came to realize just how young thirty-one is.

Anyway, now that I've done my somber musing about this day, I want to share what I have comprised, and hopefully at least one other person will enjoy it!  I made a playlist especially for Bobby's final years -- calling it "The Final New York Years" to soften the morbid tone -- pulling out songs primarily from 1967 and up until March of 1968... plus a couple from 1966.  I have no idea what Bobby's favorite 60's songs or bands were.  I only know he loved the Platters in the 50's, and their style was romantic, light, and upbeat.  I'm not sure if that same sound appealed to Bob in his later life, so what I did was just pick some songs that were popular during that couple years with lyrics and melodies that are thoughtful and might have served as songs Bobby could relate to in some way.  I can't say I wasn't trying for a certain ambiance, though I honestly don't know what I would call it.  Reflective?  But with enough fun thrown in that it should definitely not be somber.

I pretty much went in order chronologically, because I couldn't seem to satisfy myself with any other order.  "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" was the chart-topper the week Bobby was found, and the lyrics really fit the tone of what might have been going on in his life and mind during that final stretch.  But "Beautiful Morning" was a hit around that same time, and I thought it good to end things on a happy note.  There's nothing happy about Bobby's demise, of course, but those of us who are spiritual see a silver lining.  I hear this and think of the Place he woke up in after closing his eyes on this side of eternity. 

You kids who have never listened to 60's music other than the Beatles, well... get ready.  Your entire world is about to be blown up by this awesome ear candy.  You can thank me later for introducing you to a little culture.  ;)

Feel free to comment and tell us any songs you think should have been included.  I used YouTube because it would be free for everyone to access.  I thought about Spotify, but it shuffles your songs unless you're a paid user.

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