Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bobby Art #3 and a Promise

Here's another photo edit I did the other week.

I used a filter called Badlands that I felt was appropriate both in form -- and in name.  This was the last picture of Bobby taken in the Winter of either late '67 or early '68, as I embellished it a bit in the corner.

I've talked about this before, but I wonder who took this?  Someone said it was Wallace Berman, but does anyone have the original copy and any notes indicating exactly where/when it was and if the photographer truly was Berman?  It beats all I've ever seen how Bobby could be an ill, homeless man as we've heard him to be at this time, yet still look so clean-shaven and well-dressed.

Those New York years, they get me wondering every time. 

Anyway!  I have a handful of TV shows to share with you all just as soon as I get back from the beach!  A sweet friend mailed them to me, and I'm excited to show them off and do my commentating.

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